Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful with the MMPI-2/Stress Test. Because of the volume of inquiries received, you may have to leave a message and wait for a return call, so we strongly encourage you to contact us via e-mail. What happens during an interview role play? When informed of any allegation or evidence of employee misconduct or wrongdoing, CBSA will investigate to ensure that the reputation of its employees and the integrity of CBSA operations are protected. CBSA has clear statements when it comes to the ways they embrace diversity in the workplace and communities. To get recruited at CBSA, you need to submit an online application through the agency's official website or visit jobs.gc.ca. The last step is to support your leadership, whether they take your advice or not. It will test your problem-solving skills, and your ability to discern facts from opinions or misunderstandings. Provide tangible examples rather than generalizations. If you can't identify what sets you apart, ask others. The Most Cliche Interview Responses and What To Say Instead, How To Approach Difficult Leadership Questions. It illustrates a conviction to learn, grow, and develop that recruiters are usually on the hunt for. Adherence to these values is what enables the CBSA to justify its right and privilege to enforce the law and keep Canadians safe.". Canada and the United States have announced that travellers with a conditionally approved NEXUS application will soon have another option to complete the interview process. Challenge yourself to align your philosophy to theirs in a complementary way. The first is to review your official documents. There are some situations where it would be deemed prudent to approach the at fault co-worker first. "I believe in behaving correctly in terms of honesty and integrity even when no one is looking, such as bribery, personal gain, lying, etc. Especially in today's landscape with COVID impacting travel and border crossing, tensions are high! Most role-play sessions last anywhere from a half hour to a full hour. A hiring manager will score you on your confidence and your comfort level in your ability to perform. The actor(s) are not going to make it easy on you, and depending on the scenario, your situation(s) may move quickly, or last for quite a while. It's a large presence, indeed! We hire professional interviewers (people with multiple years of experience interviewing candidates) to help us create our interview questions and write answer examples. There was some new technology to help ensure that travelers with an illness were not boarding planes (forehead scanners for temp, etc.). As of Spring 2023, Canadian NEXUS enrollment centres at certain airports will reopen, and passengers will be able to complete their interviews in a two-step process. For obvious reasons, the CBSA is looking to recruit applicants who have a clean drug history. Walk your interviewer through the steps you'd take to de-escalate the situation. As with any behavioral question, it is framed in a way that asks you 'about a time' when you faced a situation in the past. A few annual stats at a glance: - 96 million travelers processed- 11,217 firearms and weapons seized - 1,307 illegal tobacco seizures- $2.8 million of suspected proceeds of crime seized- 16,180 drug seizures - 7,786 removals of inadmissible personsAnd, that is just the tip of the iceberg. I also know other languages that might help since Canada is a multicultural country. CBSA Interview Questions. You'll be interacting with an actor in the role opposite you, and it is their job to make it tricky for you to navigate. "For my post-secondary education, I took police foundations. This also will help in your diplomacy and negotiation in the situation. Research their code of conduct in preparation for your CBSA interview. Think about many of the questions you've been asked in this set. Interview questions and answer examples and any other content may be used else where on the site. There are too many variables to draw that conclusion. For instance, 'It is of utmost importance that I earn the trust of this agency, my fellow agents, and the public. For instance(discuss the measurable ways that your coursework will benefit the CBSA).". The medical requirements outlined by CBSA focus on a variety of areas, including vision, hearing, physical ability to undergo the 'use of force' training, and a psychological assessment evaluating their ability to deal with stress. If you fail to meet even one part, then you fail the interview. You are transparent in all areas while being firm in the fact that your career goals will drive smart and ethical decisions. It's of value to share your big-picture view of the nuance of this situation. This approach shows the interviewer that it will not be a major challenge for you to abide by the conduct expectations. I align with the values and ethics of the CBSA, and I hope to have a lengthy career and even retire as a CBSA officer. They'll be evaluating your experience level with how effective your communication is. Your description is clear - good work! This answer is a good example of weaving in details of your unique experiences to set yourself apart from other candidates. Not until you are in that leadership position will the ultimate responsibility be on your shoulders. Talk about a time that you acted with integrity. This is especially important when immersed in scenarios surrounding linguistic diversity. Informing your team leader should only be done if it is in the best interest of the team. This scenario will probably evaluate you on your self-control and composure, which will speak to your emotional intelligence and your ability to govern your own emotions. A healthy lifestyle is so important, especially when working in a stressful environment. (ACTION) When I witnessed this particular situation, I(discuss the actions you took in this situation). If you have additional questions in regards to the SI process, contact us at our e-mail address of [email protected]. Software Price: $59.98; Testing . Answer with complete honesty and if you have an opportunity to, explain the circumstances. Brussels failed on Russia sanctions, Hungary's foreign minister says. In my opinion, it's very important for anyone in a law enforcement career to have complete control over their emotions on and off duty.". When answering a behavioral question, the STAR method is the recommended approach to organizing your answer. Provide an answer that offers some personal insight, revealing your motivation, and how it aligns with their mission and core values. You want to convey that you take every effort to resolve any such situation on your own before escalating it to your supervisor. The purpose of this page is to help you prepare for your job interview. It will test how consistent you are in your responses, your approach, and your overall handling of the situation.It will probably evaluate you on your self-control and composure, which will speak to your emotional intelligence and your ability to govern your own emotions. Nice start! "A pandemic is a global disease such as SARS or COVID-19. Medical exam8. Talk about what integrity means to you and how you have exercised integrity in your work and personal life. Reference list for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) users from the Canadian importing and exporting community They take on major tasks and are regarded as professionals which is something I aspire to. CBSA hiring authorities would like to know more about your current experience level and industry knowledge. 6) Social media: Social Media is becoming a big player in the recruitment process. Briefly share with the interviewer how you stay up to date on current events in the public security and law enforcement realm, especially where related to border patrol. Emotional maturity, self-growth, conscientiousness, and integrity are some of the driving components they're keeping an eye out for. A tough situation I have found with work was when my manager . Thorough research the role and offer what you learned about the CBSA history. Take full advantage of any time they give you. If you have any relevant examples to share where you've faced similar situations, not is the time to flout your prior experience. ", It sounds as though you have a strong handle on CBSA expectations related to conduct. "I am a people person. It seems you have a lot of natural leadership tendencies, which is terrific! So I applied to both the RCMP and Corrections Canada. Most of the CBSA's role-play questions will be customer service oriented, and will focus on your interpersonal skills and conflict management skills. This tests your ability to step outside of your comfort zone, your flexibility in prioritizing this issue over your other concerns, your ability to meet your client's needs, your communication skills, your sense of teamwork, your composure, conscientiousness and reliability. Research and evaluate the role and get in character. It's our responsibility to uphold the integrity and vows of the CBSA. Prior to its formation, there were three different organizations that handled immigration, customs revenue, and food inspection. (TASK) As a person with integrity, I believe it is my duty to report instances that I witness. If you've never involved yourself with illegal substances, state that with conviction, and that any associated behavior is against your values, morals, and nature. Within these values lie the identity and the expectations of the CBSA. Secret security clearance Your answer will provide insights as to how seriously you're competing for this position. One recommendation is to carve out more specific/measurable examples of your expertise, character, and dedication. For instance, when traveling, I immerse myself in the community or culture as much as possible.' This question will evaluate your effectiveness regarding the respect and sensitivity you exhibit in your interaction concerning race and diversity. Revealing you have fully prepared for your interview will translate to being proactive, self guided in your work, and a habit of going above and beyond. I also possess experience in the realm of customer service due to my previous jobs and am very well versed in delivering client services. Secret security clearanceUnderstanding that the CBSA interview process is lengthy, in-depth, and indeed stringent, it's up to you to show that you are the right person for the job. This will inform them of your work ethic and professionalism. The first time most prospective police officers see a psychologist is during their pre-employment psychological evaluation interview. (UTE), said in an interview. Examples of defensive responses where the spin only draws more attention to the failure: "It didn't set us back that much, but many people overreacted.". This is where the STAR framework will come in very handy. We apologize, but this video has failed to load. It will test your flexibility and your adaptability, and if your ability to identify your coworker's needs, from their need to feel heard, validated, empathized with, and assured they are a valued member of the team. In those cases, you'll more likely be tested with only one scenario. Every personality is different and you can't expect to bond with every person you meet. These are nice ways to support your colleagues, indeed. 9. Regardless, I will never commit such actions, and I believe in being positive no matter what may come across my path. You may call during normal business hours at (952) 857-2907. It will inform them on how comfortable you are with stepping outside of your comfort zone by handling the situation yourself, or whether you would bring the matter to your supervisor rather than handling the situation on your own. The only way to respond to this question is by evaluating the facts. An ambition to inherit additional responsibility, do whatever you can to bolster your team, and step outside of one's comfort zone exhibits a can-do attitude, adaptability, and flexibility. Role play interview questions involve a participative scenario where your skills and responses are tested in the present, in real time. In my current role, my colleagues and supervisors know me for being even-keeled. It may clue them into what aspects of your job you view as challenging, andas well as your experience level. Appropriate measures will be taken as a result of misconduct or wrongdoing. But by fact gathering, exercising good judgement, and making every effort to support your team, you've put your all in, and that is all you can be expected to do in such a situation. It will also serve as an indicator of your EQ and your interpersonal skill level. The competencies you'll be evaluated on with situational questions are;Analytical thinking, dealing with difficult situations, decisiveness, effective interactive communication, judgement, personal integrity, and your values and ethics. There are occasions where instead of providing a brief, they'll verbally relay the situation you are role-playing in. "I read a great deal about the CBSA values. Rather, seize this opportunity. The Officer Trainee Entrance Exam ( OTEE) is an online exam composed of 117 multiple-choice questions. By adding in a measurable example or story, you will take the answer from simply 'telling' the interviewer what you will do to actually 'showing' the interviewer that you are a person of action. The distinction is that behavioral questions focus on how you handled yourself in the past, and your previous behavior is used as a predictor of how you'll perform in the future. Read our Terms of Use for more information. Very positive response! How you answer this question serves to offer insights into your personality. Whatever your preference, be sure that your enthusiasm shines through showing CBSA hiring authorities that you are ready to serve and protect your country, with long-term career goals within their organiziation in mind. It's clear that you will be a level head amid potential friction. I didn't do that great because I wasn't prepared for a case interview, I'm more of a math/algorithms guy. They'll likely have presented the scenario and you role in advance, giving you anywhere from a day to 5-10 minutes prior to prepare. Good work! At the NEXUS interview appointment, you will be asked a series of questions relating to the information you provided you on your application. Your decisiveness, as revealed through your suggested course of action, will speak to how sound your judgement is, and should serve as an indicator of your leadership skills. Physical evaluation 5. CBSA looks for individuals who naturally act like a leader. Choose a handful of your strengths which align with the requirements of this job. The potential deportee receives a letter from CBSA requesting that he or she attend an "interview" at a local Canada Immigration Enforcement office (in Toronto this is known as the Greater Toronto Enforcement Centre or GTEC). In an interview, you are your most influential advocate, so be prepared to advertise your merits with measured confidence and humility. #1 Hi, I am a failed refugee claimant and earlier today I recivied a letter from the CBSA for an interview to discuss my case. (CBSA). Walk them through your approach and steps for managing a new project and how you would direct your team. It certainly does take a level-headed individual to remain calm in this type of emotional and straining situation. The interviewer should feel very confident knowing that you uphold your virtues and beliefs so strongly. I will handle the workload by maintaining a positive attitude and enthusiasm.". As a CBSA officer, there is zero-tolerance for such behavior because we are held to a higher standard. Assure them you take the necessary steps and procedures very seriously and always adhere to protocol. Express you have a genuine interest or are open to learning more languages. The police psychological exam is a screening designed to evaluate whether you can handle the stress that accompanies a career in law enforcement. It will test your problem-solving skills, and your ability to discern facts from opinions or misunderstandings. This question tests your integrity, your scope of the teamwork at play, and what you can learn from the experience initially. Learn more here. Consider what you've learned, how you would approach developing your own skills and growing in your career and apply them to how you would build your team and approach a project to completion. Rather, focus on the interview and the questions being asked . How to Answer: Why Do You Want to Work Here? This also will require you to exhibit in your diplomacy, composure, and will test your sense of teamwork, how you inspire others, and how you foster a stronger team environment and collaborative mentality. It will probably evaluate you on your self-control and composure, which will speak to your emotional intelligence and your ability to govern your own emotions. This question tests your approach towards teamwork and how supportive you are with the other members of your team. ), be upfront about them. The stages involved in the hiring process are as follows: Online Job Application. Break down for yourself the approach you took in that previous situation and improve upon it when answering this question. On the other hand, let's say your interviewing skills are not the problem. It's my nature to never indulge in those activities because of my religion and personal ethics. It's important to keep a level head in this job and explain my duties to members of the public.". Discuss your work ethic and standard for checking your work. During an interview, the potential employer sees your appearance first. It will evaluate your ability to develop yourself, your skills, and whether you easily identify growth opportunities, are willing to step outside of your comfort zone, and are quick to hold yourself accountable for the actions you took, or the actions you promised to take, while staying true to your word and your integrity. Go into a private space with a mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say some self-affirmations to yourself. "As a CBSAofficer I'm held to a higher degree of professionalism, and I will respond in a professional way. Lastly, it will test your conscientiousness and reliability, and how consistent you are in your responses, your approach, and your overall handling of the situation. How you answer this question will offer strong indicators of your sense of teamwork, your emotional intelligence and your sense of empathy. But in this scenario, damage control should take precedent, and giving the coworker a heads up could solely serve in giving them time to cover their tracks and dispose of valuable information needed to repair the situation. I genuinely look forward to it.". Discuss your ability to adapt your communication style to others. (FINAL QUALIFYING STATEMENT) I will never allow myself to commit such actions, and I believe in taking positive action at all times, no matter what temptations may cross my path.". Describe the ways in which you behave as a leader in your everyday life. Canada Border Services Agency employees must prepare to react swiftly and appropriately during times of global strain. This is something most job seekers don't do, and is a big reason why many people fail interviews. I will encourage this effort by wholeheartedly supporting my team members regardless of race, ethnicity, age, ability, language, gender, orientation, or religion. The details that you include are fantastic because they will allow the interviewer to view your character through actions versus just words. During any role play, you'll be scored on any variety of competencies. Working for the Canada Border Services Agency can be strenuous. Staying productive is the only course. So, before making any suggestions for improvements, it is necessary to fact gather and explore its potential before approaching your supervisors with your suggestion. I would like to be involved in those efforts as soon as possible. Before that he failed his RCMP application. This is due to the CBSA frequently being in interaction with the public. Don't just read through the materials they provide you and assume you are ready. Taking this approach before answering this question will make your response even more successful. I think its going to be about my removal from Canada but am scared that I will be detained and deported upon showing up for this interview. "My airport experience is valuable, especially as a screening officer. By that time, the candidate had already passed through most of the steps in this lengthy hiring process - the written exam, the oral board interview, the background investigation, agility test, medical examination, and even a polygraph (which is required by . Exude confidence. Canada Border Services Agency puts integrity and character first when making hiring decisions. Most job seekers think the interview is all about themselves. You sound very confident in your ability to handle discomfort. It is a goal of mine to expand my knowledge of French to be able to converse, if necessary.". Real CBSA exam questions with answers. Our country is one of the most diverse places in the world, so adapting to this setting won't be an issue for me. It's clear that you have put in a lot of prep work - this is excellent! They want to ensure your motives are well aligned with their culture and meet the expectations of the role. Situational questions pose hypothetical situations you may face in the future, with a 'what would you do' response. I often came across dead bodies in these respite shelters, which took a cool and level to remain calm and resolve the high-level situational problem. Speak confidently, making relaxed eye contact, while posturing yourself with positive, engaging, and confident body language. Ultimately, it is their call to make. This approach will ensure a memorable, action-based response. As a screening officer, passengers would always create heated situations, but my coworkers knew me as someone who will deescalate the situation. Detail how your best transferable skills and traits would be considered an asset to CBSA. "I have always admired how CBSA officers manage their responsibilities and that is why I applied to become one. Your interviewer is assessing if you're more social and team-oriented versus task-oriented and introverted. It evaluates your level of integrity and your problem-solving skills, your communication skills. Not only do they have a vested interest in determining how accurate your expectations are, but they also need to make sure you are made of the right stuff to handle the pressures associated with the job. "No, I have never possessed or used drugs or alcohol. Consider this a part of the test as well. If this coworker is letting you know they are going to leave the rest of the team unprepared for their absence and possibly inheriting their workload, this reflects a blatant disregard for the consequences and how it will negatively impact the rest of the team. 4. Every day as a police officer can present situations that can be emotionally . The hiring authorities at Canada Border Services Agency would like a detailed breakdown of your training and any other educational experiences related to your career, especially those which are transferable to customs, border control, security, or law enforcement. Your last sentence could use more detail. The main reasons for the rejections include: Inappropriate photos / content. and I think it will help you create a more in-depth and memorable response. Situational questions pose hypothetical situations you may face in the future, with a 'what would you do' response. 22.02.2021 - DBSA's Executive of Origination and Client Coverage, Mohan Vivekanandan joins Alishia Seckam for a discussion on economic stimulus strategies, . Share the breadth of your knowledge, in summary, while communicating clearly. "I trained myself physically by changing my exercise regimen to include more functional movements, rather than simply lift weights. I like that you are already answering in 'we' terms in the sense that you already have the job. They'll test your flexibility as well, for often in such situation things don't go according to plan. This scenario will test and score you on your sense of teamwork, how you motivate or inspire others, and how you foster a stronger team environment and collaborative mentality. The CBSA states, 'Values cannot be considered in isolation from each other, as they often overlap. Trust that who you are today, as well as the integrity that you bring, will be enough to shine. As a screening officer, it is easy to steal items left by passengers, and if you're smart you can get away with it. 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